Category Archives for podcash

S2E5 – 3 Simple Steps To Generate Leads Through Podcast

Show Summary: “The goal is to be like a magnet. Whenever your target audience needs a solution to their problem, they come to you. You are their top choice.”

In this episode, I talk about the three simple steps that will help generate leads for you and exponentially grow your show. 

To make these steps effective, you must first have three things: target audience (T), clear message (C), and clear offer (C). TCC is about helping you craft your message and your goals for your audience. Once you’ve defined your audience, you can prepare and tailor your message to their wants and needs. When your message is clear, you can position yourself to make an offer to them based on their pain points. 

With TCC in place, setting up the three simple steps becomes faster. First, break down your target market’s pain points and talk about them on your show, focusing on the solution. Next, connect on social media with the people who have the problems that you want to solve. And finally, create a no-brainer lead magnet that would instantly make your audience say yes to you and eventually lead them to the next nurturing process. 

Listen to the rest of the episode as I discuss the importance of having every step in place. Don’t forget to share this episode with your family and friends who need to hear tips and strategies about podcast growth and generating leads from podcasting. 

Exceptional Highlights:

  • Maximize your time by finding your target audience on social media. Research and find out the platforms they use and where they hang out.
  • With whatever you do, aim to give value first. Address a problem that your audience wants to solve, so it’s easier to turn your listeners from cold to warm lead.
  • Varying groups of people have different behavior. For whatever behavior you define for your target audience, you reflect it on your content so that your audience relates to you.

Show Highlights:

How do I define my target audience?


  • To define your target audience, you need to know their demographics, psychographics, needs, wants, language spoken, and age. There are also cultural differences, which is why you need to study the location of your audience as well. 

Why is it essential to break down my target market and their pain points?


  • When you break down the pain points, this is where your listeners have their “aha” moments. They feel that you are genuinely listening to them and doing your research. 
  • You simply do not assume what’s best for your audience. Instead, you base your solutions on facts and what comes out of their hearts and minds.

Why is there a need to connect with my target audience on social media?


  • Connecting on social media with the right people allows them to gravitate towards you and resonate with your content. You warm up their minds, let them know that you exist and that you’re the solution to their problems. You will not feel the same results if you’re connected with the wrong people. 

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S2E4 – Interview with Steve Worthy- A Friend I Knew From My Podcast

Show Summary: “Worthy leadership means being able to lead, get results, and bring people along for the ride.”

This episode is an interview episode with a PodCash listener who became a friend in the online industry. His name is Steve Worthy, a podcaster and CEO of Worthy Leadership Group specializing in leadership coaching, communication, and productivity.

In this episode, we talk about his experiences in business and the army and how it applies to podcasting. I love how he believes in the power of surrounding yourself with smart people because your role is to bring the best people around, not solely be the best. Your strength of character, authenticity, and compassion are the attributes that will help you make the best decisions.

I know this is not the typical episode you hear from me. But I want to showcase the power of podcasting in attracting the people of your same vibe and building a great relationship with them. Steve and I don’t talk too much, but knowing he’s within my circle, makes me feel that I’m doing something right.

Don’t forget to share this with your friends who want to improve their leadership skills and make podcasting a platform to connect & network with great people.

Exceptional Highlights:

  • The more you are in leadership, and the more you mature, the more you realize you need other people.
  • Empathetic listening means seeking to understand before being understood.
  • Having a good intuition about a situation or person automatically puts you ahead of other people.

Show Highlights:

Why did you decide to focus on leadership as your avenue for coaching? Is there anything in particular that you see in people that they don’t see?

2:29 Steve

  • Worthy leadership will always find you out. There are specific attributes that you have as a leader that others may not see in you. I started embracing the idea of leadership while looking at others from a leadership standpoint. 
  • I look at the attributes of a good leader. I talk about words in leadership that a lot of people don’t talk about.

What kind of help does podcasting do to your brand or business?

26:47 Steve

  • It’s social proof and brand awareness, giving you the right identity. The cool part is having your listeners give you the topics that they want to hear. And that’s the growth part of podcasts and interaction that I like and have been enjoying. You consider the listener. I want to be able to give as much high-quality information as possible. 

 How did you know about The PodCash Show, and how has it helped you?

29:05 Steve

  • The title of your show, The PodCash Show, caught me. The other thing was the fact that you were from the Philippines. And so I was, “Let me hear what she has to say.” 
  • All of the episodes of the show have provided a lot of value. The topics are relevant to podcasters and deliver insights that podcasters don’t even think about.


  • The PodCash Show taught me the importance of having a good workflow and being consistent as a podcaster. It’s about knowing who your listeners are and what they want. The show always talked about having your niche and being focused on that. Those have been some of the things that I’ve taken away.

What piece of advice can you give to podcasters who are going through challenges in their business?

33:52 Steve

  • For me, podcasting from a monetization standpoint looks a lot differently than sponsorships and affiliate marketing. From a business standpoint, your brands must align. Also, make sure that you niche down until it’s kind of uncomfortable, and then align your content around that. Because hopefully, you niche down to a point where you’re comfortable and would have tons of episodes based on your knowledge. And then you can stretch that knowledge down to five or six different episodes as well.

For people interested in your coaching and leadership, where can they find you, and what is the main thing you promise to deliver to them?

38:28 Steve

  • The biggest thing is about saving time as a leader. The end goal is for leaders to be able to figure out how to get things done quickly. The only way to get them done quickly is to know first a little more about themselves, who they are, and how they lead. That catapults them then to everything else.
  • Go to They can find our podcast there and set up a discovery session free of charge. I would love to chat with anybody who wants to talk about leadership.

Important Links:

Worthy Leadership Group

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S2E3 – Number Of Downloads Doesn’t Equate To High Conversion Rate

Show Summary: “Low number of downloads is not a hindrance to make your podcast a success.”

To reach your target conversion rate, focus not only on the number of downloads that your podcast gets. Instead, strategize on the following:

  • WAY OF EARNING. Different ways of monetization require different strategies and measures of success. A good comparison is selling services versus running ads and getting sponsors. Having a sponsor requires you to have a certain number of downloads per episode, while selling your services does not. Focus on one uniform strategy first, and see if it works well for you and your podcast.
  • GOALS. You need to be clear with your goals, specifically your call to action (CTA). Where would you like to bring your listeners? Giving multiple and confusing CTAs repels your target clients and lowers the chance of them actually taking action and booking a call with you. 
  • CONTENT TOPICS. Your way of earning dictates the kinds of topics that you need to discuss in your podcast. If you plan to sell your services, then your content should revolve around the problem that your listeners have. It must highlight the solution that you have for them. Your measure of success will depend on the way of monetization that you choose for your podcast.

Exceptional Highlights:

  • If you have a high number of downloads, but don’t have a strategy in place and your funnel is disorganized, then most likely, you will not have a high conversion rate. 
  • When you just started podcasting and are still in the exploratory stage, you must have undivided attention. Channel your energy into finding and applying the right strategy.
  • Don’t rush things. It’s important that you understand where your results are coming from, and what kind of strategies contribute to your success. To sustain your podcast and your business, repeat and maintain those strategies moving forward.

Show Highlights:


Where can I learn more about the ways of earning through my podcast?

  • You can check out the episodes I created in Season 1 for selling your services, affiliate marketing, sponsorship and ads, and related topics. 


What are some of the goals that I can have for my podcast?

  • You can: a) create awareness for your brand; b) introduce your services; c) guest on somebody else’s show and eventually sell your consultation services; d) create a Patreon membership for your listeners; or e) invite sponsors to your show.


When is the best time to try a new strategy or process for my podcast?

  • You can decide per milestone. After achieving a certain goal, then you can jump to another process or strategy.


How do I create a clear Call To Action?

  • Remove the confusion and strategize your funnel. Ask yourself where you would like to bring them next after having them listen to your podcast. How can they book a discovery call with you?

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S2E2 – Generating Leads Through Podcasting

Show Summary: “Podcasting is a great way to generate leads because it’s underpriced. It allows you to share your message, your purpose and values, build your network and attract the target audience that you want to be partners with.”

Why is podcasting a great platform to generate leads?

Three things:

  • Brain dumping. You can record and store your knowledge on a platform where other people can benefit from. By ensuring that what you share is valuable, you can basically solve the problems of other people.
  • Building a network. When people learn from you, you build trust. When they trust you, they start spreading your word, and your community forms. With the knowledge and experiences you share, you attract the right people to talk to. These people grow your community and become the people you want to serve and be partners with.
  • Repurposing contents. With just one episode, you can extract different highlights and key points and recreate them into various types of content, which you can post across social media platforms.

Exceptional Highlights:

  • Podcasting is a platform where you can spread your message, not only your will to sell, but also your will to change the world, and express your purpose and your business’ existence.
  • Sharing your message in a platform like podcasting filters the people that come into your life and business. You attract the people who think alike, who share the same values and beliefs, and filter out the toxic ones that you don’t want to be part of your community.
  • Your podcast is the perfect platform to talk to your ideal clients intimately.

Show Highlights:


In business, what are the three things you need to focus on?

  • You want to focus on leads, sales, and retention.
  • You don’t have something to retain if you don’t have people to sell your products to, and you won’t have sales if you don’t have leads.


What made you start The PodCash Show?

  • I wanted to create a room for upcoming experiences and knowledge, while making sure that I don’t forget the things I knew before. And, I wanted to share this platform to the people who could benefit from them.


What are the things to remember when posting contents?

  • Make sure that you are connected with your audience. Your profile and posts are always being shown to the people you frequently engage with.
  • If you want your posts to be seen by certain people, you have to engage, connect, and build genuine relationships with them. 

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Season 2 – Pilot Episode

Show Summary: The PodCash Show is back for another season! Join us as we talk about lead generation strategies and monetization ways to improve your podcast and scale up your business.

Season Two of The PodCash Show goes deeper and explores fresh strategies to help you increase your leads and sales through podcasting.

Listen as Kai tells you about her experiences as a podcaster and a podcast service provider and shares with you everything she’s learned in between, including valuable insights from podcast experts.

Exceptional Highlights:

  • Podcasting is a great platform to use when you want to improve and scale up your business.
  • There are different ways to monetize a podcast. Generally, they’re categorized into direct and indirect monetization. 

Show Highlights:


What has happened since the Season 1 Finale? 

  • I focused on polishing and creating systems internally for Pod Kai Media. 
  • The extended break after Season 1 has allowed me to be more mentally prepared for Season 2 and has given me the extra time to better plan and produce content. 


What is Pod Kai Media about?

  • Pod Kai Media, which was founded almost 2 years ago, is an agency focused on providing podcast services to business owners who wish to generate leads and sales using their podcast as the platform.


What can we look forward to in Season 2?

  • New episodes are released every Tuesday, 9AM EST or 9PM Philippine time.
  • We are targeting to invite a guest over every 4th episode of the month. These guests will not only include the experts, but also podcasters who are doing well in their business.


How do we ask for help in assessing our podcast? How can we talk to Kai?

  • You can book a call with us through our website, You may also follow us on all social media platforms for podcasting tips and insights.

Important Links

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S1E18 – Season Finale

“To all our listeners around the globe, thank you so much.” 

This is the last episode of The PodCASH Show’s Season 1.

On behalf of the whole team, thank you so much for your support and tuning in to the show every week.

We appreciate all of you! 

We’ll be back after a few weeks with better content that’ll help you take your podcast to the next level.

We’ll do it together. We’ll build your brand through Podcasting and make it a success.

See you in a few weeks! 

Don’t forget to download the 5 Actionable Steps To Grow Your Podcast NOW!

Links Mentioned:

The PodCASH Show’s Facebook Page 

Kai Villanueva’s Facebook Profile

Kai Villanueva’s Linkedin Profile




Episode 9 – Selling Products Through Services


S1E17 – Podcast Results Generated For Three Months

“Satisfy your clients’ needs and wants.” 

In this episode, I’ll share with you how I closed a client through my podcast and what other platforms help me achieve that.

We’ll identify the two types of leads you should aim for your business and which among these two have higher conversion rates.

I’ll also answer the question, “Is it possible to earn or close a sale if your podcast is in the infancy stage?”

Learn more about my three-month podcast journey and tips you can use for your brand.

Don’t forget to download the 5 Actionable Steps To Grow Your Podcast NOW!

Links Mentioned:

Episode 16 – Does Podcast Ranking Really Matter?

Episode 9 – Selling Products Through Services

S1E16 – Does Ranking Really Matter?

“Don’t focus on the rankings; focus on the content.” 

Yes, The PodCASH Show ranked 20th, 18th in less than a month, even in the 2nd spot, but the question is, does it really matter?

That moment was blissful and surreal. I was ranked next to Neil Patel’s Marketing School, and it made me feel that I am doing something right, and it was a very great start.

In the third month, I was out of the rankings, and the questions that popped up in my head were;

“If you’re out of the chart, does it mean that you lose?”

“Is it the only measure of your success?”

“Do you have to feel sad about it?”

Listen as I answer those questions in this episode and know why I got kicked out of the charts through the important links that I’ll mention.

Also, don’t forget to download the5 Actionable Steps To Grow Your Podcast NOW!

Links Mentioned:

Episode 15 – The Results We Generated For One Month

Huge Change In Number of Downloads Post

Episode 12 – Sponsorship and Ads

S1E15 – The Results We Generated For One Month

“You have to create awareness for your podcast, so your audience knows that it exists.”

Creating and maintaining a podcast show is not a one-man-band. 

Having a team in place to cover your processes’ main areas is an absolute advantage and accelerates your podcast growth. 

In this episode, we will talk about:

  •  The results that The PodCASH Show has generated for one month
  • What we did before officially launching the podcast
  • What kind of team should you have for a campaign like this
  • Importance of unified message for a podcast launch

Let me know if our episodes are helpful to you or help us improve our content. Feel free to leave a Review

Links Mentioned:

Contact us/ work with our team to have direct access to me and Joyce Mandilag. Book a call with me NOW, and let’s strategize your podcast! 

Download my gift for YOU! Get the 5 Actionable Steps To Grow Your Podcast NOW!

S1E14 – The Reason Why I Started My Own Podcast Part 2

“Content is King; Engagement is Queen, Podcast is a platform to support your King & Queen.”

In this episode (which is the second part of episode 13, Random Connection Request), I quickly recap our episodes from 1 to 13.

Here, I talked about the other particular reasons why I started the podcast show. 

  • Who pushed me to start this?
  • Have I experienced all the ups and downs for three months of doing the podcast?
  • What kind of understanding has it given me from the beginning?


Thank you for your non-stop support to The PodCASH SHOW, and I hope you had a great holiday!

I am looking forward to having a fruitful year with YOU!

Links Mentioned:


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Book a call with me NOW, and let’s strategize your podcast!