Well, Facebook is not only for socializing. Yes, it is absolutely fun to use and I usually spend my time in checking on the latest news and somebody else’s status through it. I am able to get good ideas from people with bright minds, people have been connected with loved ones and friends using it.

It is totally amazing. What’s even awesome about it, in addition, is its ability to sustain one’s business through its other function, Facebook Ads. It is truly a powerful platform to grow your business knowing that it has a large number of audience.

I chose VA 202 as my next training because I know that it suits my personality. If you have read my other blog which is about my First Workshop, you’ll understand better that determining your niche works well if you know your personality fairly. And Marketing matches mine. Like, I have been doing sales since I was in college because I took up Entrepreneurial Management. I also love interacting with people, telling sto

ries about life and career, music and random things.

I enrolled in the course as soon as I finished my website and the first video tutorial in it was about Thrive Themes. Since then, I switched to Thrive themes because we were strongly advised to install it. And I was so happy about the results. The plug-in made it much easier for me to polish my website even more. It saved me a time in researching about plug-ins, plus it is very user-friendly.

Facebook page connected to a landing page, Setting up a Pixel plus Instagram Ads, Facebook Ads 101 and Money Math behind it were all of the paid course. I was so delighted to see tons of knowledge with what I paid for. But, I was also overwhelmed because there was really a lot in it. After dealing with Thrive Themes, I got confused as to which one should I do next given that I was so excited too. Good thing there was a set of assignment provided to us which served as my outline.

Our tasks were to create Facebook Ads, Ad poster and to run and test it. We should also make E-mail catchers and a Thank you page. And again, with the help of my powerful plug-in, I was able to do it comfortably. A huge reason why we should always follow what our trainer says.