S2E21 - The Best Listener Experience with PodKite

S2E21 – The Best Listener Experience with PodKite

Show Summary: “Podkite makes your life easier and the listeners’ experience more convenient and smooth. And that’s what we want for them. We want to give them the best experience that we can.

If you are an avid listener of podcasts, isn’t it better when you can find all the links to your favorite episodes in one place? As podcasters, this is what we want for our audience: to access your show in just a couple of clicks without going back and forth to different platforms—the ultimate and convenient listening experience. 🔥

In a nutshell, that is the satisfaction that Podkite can provide, and more than that, it is also a tool that provides podcasters and producers with the data and insights they need to build and grow their podcasts. It offers a variety of other elements, such as ‘kitelinks’ that creates shorter and easier to remember unique links that can also be used in marketing channels. The fun part? You can customize message and color themes on your main page! 

Awesome, right? 🤩

You can try out Podkite for free to get to know the program, and you can subscribe to take advantage of all its remarkable features. I am telling you, it is worth it! 💯

Don’t forget to share this episode with your fellow podcasters and friends who are thinking twice about starting a podcast, and let them know how easy it is when you have the right podcasting tools. 

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Send us an email at kai@podkai.com

Exceptional Highlights:

Kai 1:00

  • I first learned about Podkite during a workshop I attended with Steve Olsher, when one of the workshop attendees asked for an excellent platform to monitor statistics and rankings. 

Kai 2:27

  • What I love the most about Podkite is it can show you all the reviews from different platforms. For example, if you are available on Spotify, Itunes, and Podchaser, they will collate it into one platform. Plus, it shows your ranking locally and internationally in different categories.

Kai 6:16

  • Remember, we’re targeting brand recall and giving resources. And we want to make sure that the resources we are providing are easy to understand. That’s also why we also create show notes, and we put the link below plus the links to the resources.

Kai 7:07

  • You can also create different links not just for the podcast but for each episode. For example, if you want to highlight episode two of your podcast, you can create a unique link only for that episode. So it can gain more traction. 

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Send us an email at kai@podkai.com

Website www.podkai.com

Important links mentioned:


Steve Olsher
