S2E6 - Lead Generation Through Podcast Guestings

S2E6 – Lead Generation Through Podcast Guestings

Show Summary: “Building long-term relationships with your guests and hosts expands your network and grows your leads.”

Have you thought about inviting someone over to your show, or maybe considered guesting on another podcast? Well, you thought right. Podcast guestings are a massive help in generating leads for you.

Guesting happens in two ways. First is inviting someone from the same industry with whom you share similarities. This person is someone who can provide your audience with tips and solutions to solve their problems. By having them over to your show, you also potentially tap into their audience, especially when they announce the guesting on their social media profiles.

The other side of guesting is becoming the guest on another podcaster’s show. Like finding a suitable guest, you need to look for a host whose values and goals you share so that their audience can resonate with you. Being the guest instead of the host requires less work since you only need to focus on engaging their audience and creating a no-brainer lead magnet. The host will be the one doing the promotional materials. 

Listen to the full episode as I deep dive into the fundamentals of podcast guesting and the essential points that you need to remember. Don’t forget to share this with family and friends who are equally passionate about podcasting as you!

Exceptional Highlights:

  • In podcasting and business, no matter how great and influential the competition is, if your audience can resonate with you, you will remain in their ecosystem.
  • The message that you identify for your podcast dictates the kind of speakers, influencers, and people that you want to invite to your show.
  • Make it easier for your guest to promote the show on their social media page by crafting the marketing materials yourself and providing them with everything they need for posting.

Show Highlights:

What if it’s my guest who’s converting my audience into his leads instead of me growing mine?


  • Dealing with situations like this is where your core values come in. After all, we do what we do for the greater good and higher service. We want to help our listeners to find the right people to solve their problems.

What if my guest doesn’t post about the show on social media or is too busy to post about it?


  • If they don’t post about it, it’s okay. What’s important is you build a strong connection with your guest. Give them time to reflect on your episode together and post about it at their own pace. They can talk about you or the show on different platforms and in various ways. If you made a strong impact on them, it’s you that they will recommend regardless of the many people they know from the same niche.
  • If the case is that your guest is too busy to post about the guesting, try reaching out to their social media managers or assistant. Posting on social media then becomes easier for the guest. 

What if I’m the guest, and I want to create my promotional materials different from those crafted by the host?


  • You can create your own, but ask permission from the host first. We don’t want to bypass them and use their content to our advantage. Express to them your intent to repurpose their content and post it on your page.

Aside from posting on social media, what other channel can I use to let my audience know about the show?


  • It helps to have an email list where you can do an email blast about the show. Highlight your guest by crafting a great introduction and write-up. Give your audience the chance to acquaint themselves with your guest.

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