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S2E12 – 4 Things You Should Have For CPM-Based Sponsorship Model

Show Summary: “Preparing the necessary materials before doing your outreach will intensify your social proof and add more confidence to brand owners in investing in your show.” 

In the last episode of The PodCash Show, I discussed the 3 different Sponsorship models. And if you listened to it, maybe you know by now which model suits your podcast to start the direct monetization campaign. 

And if the CPM-Based model suits your show best, then the next 12th episode is for you! 

Today, I share with you 4 things you should have to begin your CPM-Based model cold outreach campaign. I go into the importance of each material and what it really does to help you close a sponsorship deal from a brand you’ve been wanting to work with. These are the same things that we use & which helped us close a <5000 USD sponsorship deal for our client organically.

Have your pen and paper ready so you can take notes as we go. And if you haven’t checked your podcast downloads yet, check it now to know if this episode is for you! Kindly share this with your friends, family, or clients if they are ready to monetize their podcast through CPM!

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Visit our website & book a call at

Exceptional Highlights:

  • Podcast promise and goals establish common ground between you and the brand owner. It ensures that what you both do is for your listeners’ benefit..
  • Always find the gatekeeper, the person in charge of the marketing department, so you won’t waste your time reaching out to the wrong people.
  • Don’t guess. Do in-depth research about the brands you are reaching out to.

Show Highlights:

Closing a <5000 USD organic sponsorship deal for one Pod Kai Media’ clients

Kai 2:09

  • They have a huge number of downloads. Their all-time downloads back then were around 500,000. That’s why I already knew that it’s something that we can maximize for CPM-based model sponsorship.
  • I shared it with them and created an action plan for them. Then we decided to do it. And for almost a month, we closed a sponsorship deal worth nearly $3,000, and we closed another one for almost $2000.

What does the Podcast Media Kit should have?

Kai 4:52

  • Who the hosts are
  • Podcast Promise
  • Goals for the listeners
  • Target Market Behavior 
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Podcast Downloads per episode
  • All time downloads
  • Reviews
  • What the next steps are 
  • Contact Details 

Keep track of your outreach

Kai 10:43

  • You have to have a tracker to put a label on each lead. Whether you have reached out to them already, it’s the first follow-up, a second, or a third. So you know how effective your cold outreach is going or how ineffective it is because that’s where you should be making adjustments.

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Visit our website at

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3 Podcast Sponsorship Model

S2E11 – 3 Podcast Sponsorship Models

Show Summary: “The number of downloads shouldn’t stop you from monetizing your podcast.” 

If you are a podcaster who likes to monetize your show but is quite skeptical because you think that the number of downloads is a huge factor, or you don’t know how to position yourself to potential sponsors, then this episode is for you. 

In this episode, I discuss the 3 Podcast Sponsorship models that can serve as your guide in identifying how to position your show to brands you’ve been dreaming of being partners with. These models can help you create a great and reasonable offer more effortlessly, preventing you from randomly reaching out and asking them to pay you with no data to present as a basis of your pricing.

This episode is just almost 13 minutes so please listen until the end to see which one suits you best. And please share this with your podcaster friends who’ve been eyeing to monetize their show!

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Visit our website & book a call at

Exceptional Highlights:

  • 1 CPM is equivalent to 1000 downloads.
  • Aside from ad placement, you can also include social media postings or email blasts to your offer for added value.
  • An affiliate model can help you build your confidence and establish a relationship with brands that fit your offer.

Show Highlights:

What are your 3 indicators?

Kai 2:43

  • Your indicators will be your CPM, the ad placement, and the ads’ length. Because we have different lengths, we have 10 seconds and 30 seconds and 60 seconds. So it’s up to you. If you’re comfortable doing ads or inserting ads for one minute or 30 seconds only, it’s your call.

What if you don’t have a huge number of downloads yet?

Kai 8:24

  • You can still reach out to your dream brands and honestly tell them that you’re a startup podcaster with less than 1000 downloads. But you can surely help them by speaking highly of their brands through sharing the benefits of their products and services.

Find the sweet spot

Kai 9:29

  • No matter which models you use here, whether it’s CPM base, value-based, or affiliate model, I would say it’s still important that you find common ground between the two of you. Find that sweet spot between the two of you. Don’t reach out to them without checking the facts or their mission or vision.

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Visit our website at

Important links mentioned

Link to my Facebook post 

Neil Patel’s blog post

Advertise Cast Pricing Calculator

Income School

S2E10 – My Silent Realizations

Show Summary: “Take care of your sanity and peace because you need that in creating sincere and genuine content for your audience.”

Today’s episode is gonna be quite different because it isn’t about actionable steps for podcast growth & monetization. But it has something to do with how you can make content with your utmost attention. 

Being a business owner, a content creator, a student, a leader while dealing with different life situations can sometimes get the best of you.

And I totally understand that because I’m all of the things I mentioned above, LOL. I started my own podcast because I want to put myself in my clients’ shoes to see how deeply I can understand them even in their toughest times. (like through thick & thin feels LOL).

For the past few months, I haven’t published new episodes because I chose to save some energy while ensuring all the deliverables are met and have time for my family and agency. But this episode is not to inspire nor push you to abruptly pause when you feel like it because it always will depend on your intention. This is to share the things I realized during those months. And I believe that these have extreme intrinsic value that greatly contributes to producing super valuable & substantial content for your audience.

So I hope you enjoy this episode and find great value in it! 

Exceptional Highlights

  • Shift your mind to being more cooperative than being unhealthily competitive
  • Choose important places where you should only be present
  • Make peace with the fact that you can’t finish everything in one day
  • Listen to your body
  • Everything is not gonna be perfect
  • Give attention to self-care, most importantly, to your sanity & peace

Important links

Need help in strategizing your podcast? Book a call with us now at

S2E9 – Make Your Podcast More Engaging

Show Summary: “Establishing a HUMAN CONNECTION & a COMMON GROUND with your audience will help you differentiate yourself from others.”

Hi guys! It’s been such a long time since I recorded an episode. And now I’m super happy and pumped up writing the show notes as a preview of the 9th episode!

So the 9th episode is about making your podcast more engaging. We all know that it’s challenging to keep the engagement of your audience especially if your contents are “recorded” which is a characteristic of a podcast. But it doesn’t mean it’s meant to be boring & non-interactive.

You can do a couple of things to boost your listeners’ excitement, enjoyment and participation while making sure that you’re continuously building a very good relationship with them. And in this episode, I share with you those 5 actionable ways on how to ignite the engagement and make your listeners take action with fun and creativity!

Don’t forget to share this with your friends, family or clients who badly need to add more spice to their podcast show!

Need help in strategizing your podcast? Book a call with us now at

Exceptional Highlights:

  • Content creators are also prone to error. And sharing little parts of it to your audience through outtakes can make your audience feel that we are all imperfect human-beings.
  • Simplify your Call To Action. Creating complex steps can make your audience repel in taking action.
  • Let your audience feel that you listen to them through reading their reviews or letting them share their stories through your podcast.

Show Highlights

Creating Outtakes

Kai 2:21

  • Outtakes are bloopers, and it makes your audience feel that even though you are someone they are listening to, you’re still a human being that’s prone to error like everybody else.


Kai 4:16

  • Do not make the mechanics complicated for your listeners because it’s also one of the reasons why maybe there are fewer entries than you are expecting. So try to make it simple.

Mention their reviews

Kai 6:13

  • Mentioning the reviews and their names, especially for those who are your followers, gives them the chance to be heard and is an excellent achievement for them, especially if they’re your longtime followers. So it’s one way and how I can connect with them. 


Kai 7:43

  • You can ask them on social media, like, “Which part of this episode did we mention about this specific topic? Comment below.” 

“Whoever gets it right will have free access to our program.”

So it makes it more interactive and more exciting for your listeners.

Guest a client or a listener

Kai 8:59

Having them as your guest in the podcast builds this genuine and sincere connection because you can connect with them through a one-on-one conversation. This is also where you can create a safe place for them to share their own stories based on your advice, and that’s also how you can see the effectiveness of the things you teach through your podcast.

Important links

Need help in strategizing your podcast? Book a call with us now at

S2E8 – How Visual Branding Can Help You Grow Your Podcast

Show Summary: “Your visual brand style completes your brand’s identity and makes you stand out as a podcaster.”

When we hear the word podcast, almost instantly, we associate it with “audio.” However, we commonly forget that the “visuals” play a significant role in defining our podcast and building our brand as well.

For this episode, I invited a visual brand stylist, Blessy Pastor, to educate us about the value of optimizing your podcast artwork, graphics, and promotional materials. Blessy, also a friend and mentor to me, is the founder of Visual Brand Stylist PH and the current brand stylist for Pod Kai Media. 

If you’re a budding podcaster, you might be asking yourself, how do I visually establish my podcast and brand? Where do I start? Blessy talks about the five essential elements you need to create your podcast’s artwork and promotional materials. The first element is an eye-popping cover that would stick throughout all the seasons of your podcast. Second, identify your podcast with a name that’s rememberable and witty. Third, invest in a lifestyle photo that best represents yourself and your brand. Next is naming yourself as the host of your podcast. Your listeners would want to know the person behind the voice of your show. The fifth and last is putting together your brand style guide and sticking by it when making content.

We talk about these five elements and more in detail throughout this episode. I’d love for you to share this with your friends and peers looking to build their podcast visuals or maybe just want to shake things up and try out a new visual brand style.

Exceptional Highlights:

  • In podcasting, you need to have a brand style guide consisting of your logo, set of fonts, color palette, and images or illustrations to represent you and your brand. 
  • Brand recall is a measure of how your audience remembers you and associates your brand with a specific product or service. You strengthen your brand recall through a catchy tagline, particular colors or fonts, or even the sound of your intro and outro.
  • Your podcast name should embody your goals, purpose, type of business, and a little bit of your personality. It must be relatable enough to attract your audience to listen.

Show Highlights:

How did you come up with the title for my podcast, The PodCash Show?


  • Kai mentioned that she wanted to tell people that podcasting can be monetized and can be pretty profitable. So I thought of words that relate to money. The term “cash” came to my mind. That’s how the title came about. I changed the last letter of “podcast” and turned it into a witty title, “The PodCash Show.”

How important is having a branding guideline at the onset of a business?


  • Since people are primarily visual, they tend to look at the cover image of a podcast before listening to it. This is the reason we create the podcast artwork first before launching. Similar to buying a music album or CD, you are initially attracted to the beautiful covers. It’s the same for podcast shows. With all the buzz and noise on social media, there’s a lot of distraction online. Establishing good visual styling of your brand will help make your podcast stand out. 
  • Put together your brand style guide for your podcast. When you employ it in your messaging for your socials and website, people will begin to recognize and remember you. They will associate specific visuals to you or your brand.

For social media, how do we promote our brand repeatedly and effectively without sounding imposing?


  • For social media, we need to choose our colors carefully and how they relate to our brand. There’s a thing called color psychology that when you apply it to your brand, it affects how you send your messages to your audiences.
  • If you’re pushy with your messaging, it will reflect on the illustrations and contents that you post. Visuals play a huge role in delivering your message because it’s the images that your audience sees first. They are either triggered to listen to the show or skip your podcast and move to the next. 


  • To keep engaging the audience and avoid monotonous posts, you can also play around with different types of content, such as carousel posts, quotable quotes, animations, or audiograms. There must be variations when advertising and promoting your podcast.

How do you think empathy plays an advantage in crafting content and promotional materials? 


  • Empathy allows you to be sensitive to the topics and content that could hurt or trigger your audience, such as politics, the current pandemic, pollution, mental health, etc. You have to pick the right words and be mindful of how you say them. In the same way, your visuals must embody what you’re about to say.
  • Before recording, you can ask yourself these: Would my topic be relevant to my audience? Would it help them in their growth or self-development? Understand your audience so they can understand you and your content. 


  • In podcasting, you have to invest time and effort in planting the seeds. Before your audience listens to you, you need to listen to them first. Don’t expect to publish content one day and your audience to follow you immediately. You have to give them something valuable first. By giving them tips or advice that solves their problem, they will come to you naturally.

Important Links:

Blessy’s Facebook

Blessy’s Instagram

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S2E7 – Crafting Your Podcast Intro

The PodCash Show S2E7: Crafting Your Podcast Intro

Show Summary: “Having an intro makes your message clear right at the onset of the show when your audience presses the play button.”

In today’s episode, I talk about the value of having an introduction for your podcast. An effective intro and outro ensure that the message of your show is clear and gets across to your audience. While the background music sets the mood for the episode, the intro sets the tone. Ask yourself these questions: What do I want to promote? What do I want my audience to remember every time they listen to the show? 

There are five key elements that you must include when you create your intro. Start with the name of your show and then state your name. Third, present your promise to your audience through an elevator pitch. Fourth is your sponsor and their elevator pitch. And last and fifth element is your call-to-action (CTA). 

A compelling intro takes only one minute or less. It is concise, substantial, and engaging for the audience to listen. Don’t bore your listeners with a long and repetitive introduction since they will hear this repeatedly throughout your podcast. 

Hear the rest of the episode where I break down and analyze my intro for The PodCash Show to help guide you when you craft yours. I invite you to share this episode with your podcaster friends and family. Even if they already have an intro for their show, they are still welcome to listen and learn something new or two!

Exceptional Highlights:

  • The message of your introduction must be strategic, highlighting only the essential details about you, your show, and your brand. 
  • When getting a sponsor for your podcast, check that their messaging aligns with your content to have a smooth introduction flow.
  • Your elevator pitch is your one-liner, impactful pitch that makes your audience remember you, your goals, and your promise for them.

Show Highlights:

 Is it okay not to have an introduction for my podcast show? Can I go straight to the episode?


  • Yes, it’s okay. It’s your choice whether to have an intro or not. However, having an intro allows you to express the message of your show right at the beginning of your episode.

What if I don’t have a sponsor yet?


  • One of the reasons you’re into podcasting is to raise awareness about your business and what you do. When you’re just starting, you can make your business your initial sponsor since you’re the one producing your show anyway. 

What is the podcast introduction for The PodCash Show?


  • “Welcome to the Season 2 of The PodCash Show with Kai Villanueva, where podcast growth and monetization continues. Brought to you by Pod Kai Media, a podcast production and marketing agency that helps functional medicine businesses increase their leads and sales. Visit their website at”
  • The introduction for The PodCash Show is less than a minute, and yet, I was able to get my message across, with all the critical elements present. A podcast intro should be created easily and understandably.

Important Links:

Link to post about creating intro and outro

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S2E6 – Lead Generation Through Podcast Guestings

Show Summary: “Building long-term relationships with your guests and hosts expands your network and grows your leads.”

Have you thought about inviting someone over to your show, or maybe considered guesting on another podcast? Well, you thought right. Podcast guestings are a massive help in generating leads for you.

Guesting happens in two ways. First is inviting someone from the same industry with whom you share similarities. This person is someone who can provide your audience with tips and solutions to solve their problems. By having them over to your show, you also potentially tap into their audience, especially when they announce the guesting on their social media profiles.

The other side of guesting is becoming the guest on another podcaster’s show. Like finding a suitable guest, you need to look for a host whose values and goals you share so that their audience can resonate with you. Being the guest instead of the host requires less work since you only need to focus on engaging their audience and creating a no-brainer lead magnet. The host will be the one doing the promotional materials. 

Listen to the full episode as I deep dive into the fundamentals of podcast guesting and the essential points that you need to remember. Don’t forget to share this with family and friends who are equally passionate about podcasting as you!

Exceptional Highlights:

  • In podcasting and business, no matter how great and influential the competition is, if your audience can resonate with you, you will remain in their ecosystem.
  • The message that you identify for your podcast dictates the kind of speakers, influencers, and people that you want to invite to your show.
  • Make it easier for your guest to promote the show on their social media page by crafting the marketing materials yourself and providing them with everything they need for posting.

Show Highlights:

What if it’s my guest who’s converting my audience into his leads instead of me growing mine?


  • Dealing with situations like this is where your core values come in. After all, we do what we do for the greater good and higher service. We want to help our listeners to find the right people to solve their problems.

What if my guest doesn’t post about the show on social media or is too busy to post about it?


  • If they don’t post about it, it’s okay. What’s important is you build a strong connection with your guest. Give them time to reflect on your episode together and post about it at their own pace. They can talk about you or the show on different platforms and in various ways. If you made a strong impact on them, it’s you that they will recommend regardless of the many people they know from the same niche.
  • If the case is that your guest is too busy to post about the guesting, try reaching out to their social media managers or assistant. Posting on social media then becomes easier for the guest. 

What if I’m the guest, and I want to create my promotional materials different from those crafted by the host?


  • You can create your own, but ask permission from the host first. We don’t want to bypass them and use their content to our advantage. Express to them your intent to repurpose their content and post it on your page.

Aside from posting on social media, what other channel can I use to let my audience know about the show?


  • It helps to have an email list where you can do an email blast about the show. Highlight your guest by crafting a great introduction and write-up. Give your audience the chance to acquaint themselves with your guest.

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S2E5 – 3 Simple Steps To Generate Leads Through Podcast

Show Summary: “The goal is to be like a magnet. Whenever your target audience needs a solution to their problem, they come to you. You are their top choice.”

In this episode, I talk about the three simple steps that will help generate leads for you and exponentially grow your show. 

To make these steps effective, you must first have three things: target audience (T), clear message (C), and clear offer (C). TCC is about helping you craft your message and your goals for your audience. Once you’ve defined your audience, you can prepare and tailor your message to their wants and needs. When your message is clear, you can position yourself to make an offer to them based on their pain points. 

With TCC in place, setting up the three simple steps becomes faster. First, break down your target market’s pain points and talk about them on your show, focusing on the solution. Next, connect on social media with the people who have the problems that you want to solve. And finally, create a no-brainer lead magnet that would instantly make your audience say yes to you and eventually lead them to the next nurturing process. 

Listen to the rest of the episode as I discuss the importance of having every step in place. Don’t forget to share this episode with your family and friends who need to hear tips and strategies about podcast growth and generating leads from podcasting. 

Exceptional Highlights:

  • Maximize your time by finding your target audience on social media. Research and find out the platforms they use and where they hang out.
  • With whatever you do, aim to give value first. Address a problem that your audience wants to solve, so it’s easier to turn your listeners from cold to warm lead.
  • Varying groups of people have different behavior. For whatever behavior you define for your target audience, you reflect it on your content so that your audience relates to you.

Show Highlights:

How do I define my target audience?


  • To define your target audience, you need to know their demographics, psychographics, needs, wants, language spoken, and age. There are also cultural differences, which is why you need to study the location of your audience as well. 

Why is it essential to break down my target market and their pain points?


  • When you break down the pain points, this is where your listeners have their “aha” moments. They feel that you are genuinely listening to them and doing your research. 
  • You simply do not assume what’s best for your audience. Instead, you base your solutions on facts and what comes out of their hearts and minds.

Why is there a need to connect with my target audience on social media?


  • Connecting on social media with the right people allows them to gravitate towards you and resonate with your content. You warm up their minds, let them know that you exist and that you’re the solution to their problems. You will not feel the same results if you’re connected with the wrong people. 

Important Links:

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S2E4 – Interview with Steve Worthy- A Friend I Knew From My Podcast

Show Summary: “Worthy leadership means being able to lead, get results, and bring people along for the ride.”

This episode is an interview episode with a PodCash listener who became a friend in the online industry. His name is Steve Worthy, a podcaster and CEO of Worthy Leadership Group specializing in leadership coaching, communication, and productivity.

In this episode, we talk about his experiences in business and the army and how it applies to podcasting. I love how he believes in the power of surrounding yourself with smart people because your role is to bring the best people around, not solely be the best. Your strength of character, authenticity, and compassion are the attributes that will help you make the best decisions.

I know this is not the typical episode you hear from me. But I want to showcase the power of podcasting in attracting the people of your same vibe and building a great relationship with them. Steve and I don’t talk too much, but knowing he’s within my circle, makes me feel that I’m doing something right.

Don’t forget to share this with your friends who want to improve their leadership skills and make podcasting a platform to connect & network with great people.

Exceptional Highlights:

  • The more you are in leadership, and the more you mature, the more you realize you need other people.
  • Empathetic listening means seeking to understand before being understood.
  • Having a good intuition about a situation or person automatically puts you ahead of other people.

Show Highlights:

Why did you decide to focus on leadership as your avenue for coaching? Is there anything in particular that you see in people that they don’t see?

2:29 Steve

  • Worthy leadership will always find you out. There are specific attributes that you have as a leader that others may not see in you. I started embracing the idea of leadership while looking at others from a leadership standpoint. 
  • I look at the attributes of a good leader. I talk about words in leadership that a lot of people don’t talk about.

What kind of help does podcasting do to your brand or business?

26:47 Steve

  • It’s social proof and brand awareness, giving you the right identity. The cool part is having your listeners give you the topics that they want to hear. And that’s the growth part of podcasts and interaction that I like and have been enjoying. You consider the listener. I want to be able to give as much high-quality information as possible. 

 How did you know about The PodCash Show, and how has it helped you?

29:05 Steve

  • The title of your show, The PodCash Show, caught me. The other thing was the fact that you were from the Philippines. And so I was, “Let me hear what she has to say.” 
  • All of the episodes of the show have provided a lot of value. The topics are relevant to podcasters and deliver insights that podcasters don’t even think about.


  • The PodCash Show taught me the importance of having a good workflow and being consistent as a podcaster. It’s about knowing who your listeners are and what they want. The show always talked about having your niche and being focused on that. Those have been some of the things that I’ve taken away.

What piece of advice can you give to podcasters who are going through challenges in their business?

33:52 Steve

  • For me, podcasting from a monetization standpoint looks a lot differently than sponsorships and affiliate marketing. From a business standpoint, your brands must align. Also, make sure that you niche down until it’s kind of uncomfortable, and then align your content around that. Because hopefully, you niche down to a point where you’re comfortable and would have tons of episodes based on your knowledge. And then you can stretch that knowledge down to five or six different episodes as well.

For people interested in your coaching and leadership, where can they find you, and what is the main thing you promise to deliver to them?

38:28 Steve

  • The biggest thing is about saving time as a leader. The end goal is for leaders to be able to figure out how to get things done quickly. The only way to get them done quickly is to know first a little more about themselves, who they are, and how they lead. That catapults them then to everything else.
  • Go to They can find our podcast there and set up a discovery session free of charge. I would love to chat with anybody who wants to talk about leadership.

Important Links:

Worthy Leadership Group

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Pod Kai Media

S2E3 – Number Of Downloads Doesn’t Equate To High Conversion Rate

Show Summary: “Low number of downloads is not a hindrance to make your podcast a success.”

To reach your target conversion rate, focus not only on the number of downloads that your podcast gets. Instead, strategize on the following:

  • WAY OF EARNING. Different ways of monetization require different strategies and measures of success. A good comparison is selling services versus running ads and getting sponsors. Having a sponsor requires you to have a certain number of downloads per episode, while selling your services does not. Focus on one uniform strategy first, and see if it works well for you and your podcast.
  • GOALS. You need to be clear with your goals, specifically your call to action (CTA). Where would you like to bring your listeners? Giving multiple and confusing CTAs repels your target clients and lowers the chance of them actually taking action and booking a call with you. 
  • CONTENT TOPICS. Your way of earning dictates the kinds of topics that you need to discuss in your podcast. If you plan to sell your services, then your content should revolve around the problem that your listeners have. It must highlight the solution that you have for them. Your measure of success will depend on the way of monetization that you choose for your podcast.

Exceptional Highlights:

  • If you have a high number of downloads, but don’t have a strategy in place and your funnel is disorganized, then most likely, you will not have a high conversion rate. 
  • When you just started podcasting and are still in the exploratory stage, you must have undivided attention. Channel your energy into finding and applying the right strategy.
  • Don’t rush things. It’s important that you understand where your results are coming from, and what kind of strategies contribute to your success. To sustain your podcast and your business, repeat and maintain those strategies moving forward.

Show Highlights:


Where can I learn more about the ways of earning through my podcast?

  • You can check out the episodes I created in Season 1 for selling your services, affiliate marketing, sponsorship and ads, and related topics. 


What are some of the goals that I can have for my podcast?

  • You can: a) create awareness for your brand; b) introduce your services; c) guest on somebody else’s show and eventually sell your consultation services; d) create a Patreon membership for your listeners; or e) invite sponsors to your show.


When is the best time to try a new strategy or process for my podcast?

  • You can decide per milestone. After achieving a certain goal, then you can jump to another process or strategy.


How do I create a clear Call To Action?

  • Remove the confusion and strategize your funnel. Ask yourself where you would like to bring them next after having them listen to your podcast. How can they book a discovery call with you?

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